AIMA and BAFT Roundtable: Narrowing the Trade Finance Gap through Collaboration – Second Edition


AIMA and BAFT warmly invite you to participate in an interactive roundtable, followed by networking reception, on 18 July 2024.
By bringing together key members from the respective organisations, we believe that collaborative solutions may be found as a key outcome of this roundtable to narrow the trade finance gap for the industry. In this session, we will be discussing the following – 
  1. BAFT x ADB Presentation on “Deep-Tier Supply Chain Finance: Unlocking the Potential”
  2. AIMA ACC draft paper on "Opportunities in Trade Finance through Tokenisation” 
Come prepared to join in an active participation and open dialogue!
  • Lee Kwang Teo, Director, Head of Singapore, AIMA
  • Nicholas Smith, Managing Director, Private Credit, AIMA
  • T S Shankar, Asia Representative, BAFT
  • Angelia Chia, Partner, Simmons & Simmons JWS
  • Sonia Lim, Partner, Simmons & Simmons JWS
  • Tom James, CEO and CIO,  Co-Founder, TradeFlow Capital Management
Due to limited capacity, please note that there is a limit on the number of attendees per firm. Full replay can be found here
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