2024 Financing the Economy Survey

Our 10th annual private credit survey will inform the 2024 edition of our Financing the Economy research which will be undertaken in partnership with EY. The data we collect from this research is critical to our advocacy and the broader work of the association. 

Any data obtained via the survey will only ever be presented publicly in aggregate but may be shared with our partners as part of this research project.  

Please contact Nicholas Smith if you have any questions about the survey.


A - Respondent demographics

B - Capital deployment


C - Borrowing

D - Portfolio characteristics

 13. What is the most common ratio of senior debt-to-EBITDA of the borrowers (at the time the loan was provided) for your direct lending to corporates? (EBITDA based on either GAAP or IFRS accounting standards and excluding any addbacks) Please answer in the following select box.

14. What is the most common ratio of total debt-to-EBITDA of the borrowers (at the time the loan was provided) for your direct lending to corporates? (EBITDA based on either GAAP or IFRS accounting standards and excluding any addbacks) Please answer in the following select box.


E - Portfolio monitoring