CSSF Updates ELTIF Application Form

Published: 29 July 2024

On July 29, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) released an updated application questionnaire for European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs), aimed at simplifying and accelerating the authorisation process.

Key changes:

  • For modifications to existing ELTIF applications, the required attached documents must still be submitted.
  • For a new ELTIF in an existing UCI Part II, SIF or SICAR, or other Luxembourg AIFs, only the questionnaire needs to be completed. For a new UCI Part II, SIF or SICAR, both the eDesk/UCI Approval request and the ELTIF questionnaire must be completed.
  • The updated ELTIF application questionnaire must be used for all new authorisation requests submitted after 29 July 2024. It should also be used for the communication of substantial changes to an existing ELTIF.
For further information please contact Sam Koslover ([email protected])