AIMA APAC Fund Directors Roundtable
AIMA invites you to our next APAC Fund Directors roundtable on 21 November 2023. The objective of this group is to bring together fund directors in the AIMA community who are active in the APAC region.
This roundtable is open to fund directors only and the topics of the discussion will be set by attendees. It is therefore intended that attendees are free to discuss issues/problems in an open and confidential environment.
Attendees will determine the agenda by advising of their topic suggestions when registering.
At our previous meetings, the group covered some of the following topics, among others:
- Guest Speaker, Tom Katsaros (Carey Olsen)
Potential changes to licensing requirements for Cayman directors
Impact of new SEC private fund adviser rule
Discussion on director insurance
New investment guidelines for Family Offices in Hong Kong
Implementation of the CIMA rules and SOG on corporate governance
Key trends/opportunities for IDs in APAC and its evolving roles
Market feedback on the changes in Cayman legislation on corporate governance
If you meet the requirements and are interested to join, kindly email here.
Moderator :
Kher Sheng Lee, Co-Head of APAC and Deputy Global Head of Government Affairs, AIMA