Christian Reel

Partner, Albourne Partners

Christian Reel    •    Private Markets IDD Senior Analyst-Real Estate
•    Partner
•    Share option holder
•    Joined in 2013
•    Based in Chicago    •    2012-2013           Jackson National Asset Management, Chicago (USA), Alternatives Specialist
•    2004-2012           Hewitt EnnisKnupp, Chicago (USA) 
                              Global Real Estate Research Team
–    2008-2012           Senior Investment Analyst, Senior Consultant
–    2006-2007           Investment Analyst
–    2006                     Senior Performance Analyst, General Consultant
–    2004-2005           Performance Analyst
•    2004                     BBA, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (USA)
•    CFA & CAIA Charterholder