Diligence Vault - DDQ Platform: 20% discount for 1st contract year for AIMA members

Published: 30 March 2021

DiligenceVault is offering AIMA members that subscribe to its Platform for the first time on or after 1 March 2021 a twenty (20)* percent discount off its standard fees for the AIMA Member’s first contract year. To enquire about the Platform or request for a demo, please contact ask@diligencevault.com.

DiligenceVault offers a cloud-based digital due diligence ecosystem that connects asset managers and their investor clients through a secure platform to digitize and manage the due diligence process and information exchange flows. The key value proposition of DiligenceVault is digitizing and streamlining the due diligence process: making diligence data readily available, and improving efficiency, collaboration, transparency and data security. With DiligenceVault, both managers and investors realize time and cost savings from using the platform, and the industry derives significant operational efficiencies as a result.

Our partnership with AIMA accomplishes that goal by providing digital versions of industry standard AIMA DDQs on the DiligenceVault platform for our users. This enables them to create structured diligence data for in-depth analytics, meet their fiduciary objectives, and drive team productivity.

* This discount will not be applied to any AIMA Member already receiving a discount in relation to the Platform as a result of its AIMA membership or an employee’s membership in AITEC.

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